Friday, September 08, 2006

Oswald Cycle Works

Jay Heverly on 100 mile mountain bike races: "It's like eating Doritos. It's addictive, you just can't stop after one". One might ponder whether Jay rides to curb his dorito addiction or does his dorito addiction curb his riding. It occurred to me that some form of this debate rages in every cyclist. Fortunately for Jay it looks like riding is the winner in this battle. Although, I might suggest some doritos anonymous sessions if the cravings become too severe. Otherwise we should all follow Jay's example and ride our bikes.


Tom Oswald said...

Whatever he's doing, it's working. Jay was first place overall in the sport category at the Laurel Classic today. Way to go Jay!

Josh Beals said...

So Jay, if Iwant to get faster should I eat the cool ranch or original doritos?

Jay Heverly said...
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Jay Heverly said...

Niether Josh, It's the Firey Habenero that makes the difference!